Today, I am going to share to you the things that I have learned at school. The information that I am going to give you might come out in your Deutsch Orientierungskurs Prüfung (German Orientation Course Exam). But don't worry and don't be pressured, the examination is just easy. Everyone of my classmates passed the exam.
Germany or Deustchland is a country located in Europe (Central Europe to be specific). There are 9 neighbooring countries (die Nachbarländer) that surrounds Germany.
- Switzerland - die Schweiz
- Austria - Osterreich
- France - Frankreich
- Poland - Polen
- Denmark - Dänemark
- Belgium - Belgien
- Luxemburg - Luxemburg
- Czech Republic - Tschechien
- Netherlands - die Niederlande
Germany consists of 16 States (just like the 50 states of the USA-United States of America). These 16 States (Bundesländer) are:
State (Bundesland) | Capital (Haupstadt) | Area-km² (Fläche) | Population (Einwohner) |
Baden-Württemberg | Stuttgart | 35,751 | 10,717,000 |
Bayern | München | 70,549 | 12,444,000 |
Berlin | Berlin | 892 | 3,400,000 |
Brandenburg | Potsdam | 29,478 | 2,568,000 |
Bremen | Bremen | 404 | 663,000 |
Hamburg | Hamburg | 755 | 1,735,000 |
Hessen | Wiesbaden | 21,114 | 6,098,000 |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Schwerin | 23,178 | 1,720,000 |
Niedersachsen | Hannover | 47,619 | 8,001,000 |
Northrhine-Westfallen | Düsseldorf | 34,084 | 18,075,000 |
Rhineland-Pfaltz | Mainz | 19,853 | 4,061,000 |
Saarland | Saarbrücken | 2,569 | 1,056,000 |
Sachsen | Dresden | 18,415 | 4,296,000 |
Sachsen-Anhalt | Magdeburg | 20,445 | 2,494,000 |
Schleswig-Holstein | Kiel | 15,763 | 2,829,000 |
Thuringen | Erfurt | 16,172 | 2,355,000 |
Germany (Bundesrepublic Deutschland) | Berlin | 357,046 | 82,500,000 |
Germany's popluation is about 82.5 million and the most populated state is Nordrhein Westfalen with a population of 18 million. Perhaps the reason why Nordrhein Westfalen is the most populated state is because the place have many industries (can't give you some information about this since I live in the state of Bavaria).