[Update: January 5, 2009]
It seems that the problem is with KMS not my TV Tuner. I was able to watch these channels last December 31, 2008 and suddenly lost the next day, January 1, 2009. I have searched the internet and found out that in the past, KMS did not offer these channels on DVB-C because of legal issues. Perhaps KMS' contract with these channels may have expired (or whatever the exact reason maybe). Maybe I'll just wait for KMS to renew contracts with these TV stations. ^_^
[Update: January 8, 2009]
ProSieben, SatEins and KabelEins are back! Maybe the people at KMS forgot to renew their contract with these TV stations due to a very long holiday vacation. ^_^

hey do u have yahoo messenger?
Hi Zack,
Sorry, I don't have a yahoo messenger but you can contact me at pinoyingermany@googlemail.com.
Thanks for visiting ^_^
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